

EIS 創始者 写真



世界共通語である英語を自由に扱うことは、 国際化する社会において不可欠になっていきます。日本も国外への企業進出、また国外からの企業誘致など、グローバルな活動が求められています。 東日本大震災においても、他国から支援を受け、政府・支援機関にも英語でのコミュニケーションが各分野で求められました。
近年、中国や韓国、東南アジアなどにおいても学生を含め母国語以外の外国語を話すバイリンガルな人材を育てています。日本でもそういった流れを受け、小学校からの英語教育が義務化されました。 当スクールは、子どもたちが将来どの分野に進んでも、それぞれの活躍の場で役立つ英語力を身につけてもらうことを目標としています。




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江別インターナショナルスクール(EIS) の基本方針は、「自然に身につく環境」を提供することです。
子どもたちが放課後自由に来て学べるような“第二の学校” を目指しています。ネイティブスピーカー、外国人講師、英語を話せるスタッフ、英語学習に有効な各種設備、いつでも英語に触れられる環境・空間を提供します。常に耳や目から英語が入ってくる環境の中で、生きた英語表現や語彙を学びます。自由でのびのびとした雰囲気の中で、子どもたちが自分で考えたり、作ったり、色々なことを体験しながら自然に英語力と創造力を身につけていけるよう手助けをいたします。

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EIS 創始者 写真

I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to the Ebetsu International School. Thank you for your interest; I hope you find yourself most welcome here at our educational institution for all ages.
I am the director of the Katayama Gastroenterology Clinic in Ebetsu and a practicing doctor. I owe it to the city of Ebetsu and its people to establish this school; I grew up here and started my education in its elementary school. From the beginning, I liked English and during my career as a medical doctor I received the opportunity to spend two and a half years as a researcher in the city of New York. It was a very fortunate experience for me and while living in the United States I became able to communicate in English. During that time, I was able to meet numerous nationalities, and had the opportunity to see patients from many different countries. From my own experience I have learned that understanding and speaking English, as well as reading and writing it, are very important abilities.
Recently, in many Asian countries, as well as in countries in other parts of the world, there has been a considerable increase in the number of young people who, in addition to their mother languages, communicate in English, and in fact are bilingual. From now on, in Japan, English will become increasingly important in different areas of life. In addition to Japanese, English will grow to become a necessary communication too. I have believed for a long while now that it is essential to speak and understand English from an early age, in fact from elementary school age.
From April 2011, English education became compulsory in all Japanese elementary schools. Taking this as an opportunity, I have founded the Ebetsu International School for the subsequent generations of our city. I will be more than happy, if this school contributes to the good future of Ebetsu and helps prepare talented people for their future lives and careers.
Natalie Jacobsen from Ebetsu’s sister city of Gresham in Oregon in the United States has become the primary native speaker teaching at the school. Through games, short lessons, and casual conversations, she and other teachers will use English so that the children will be able to freely communicate in the language.
The school aims to develop children’s abilities to communicate and express themselves through the medium of English by creating an environment that boosts creativity and free thinking in addition to respecting and educating in the traditions and cultures of the world around us.
Thank you again for your support and interest in our school. We hope you share in our vision for the school’s future and in the future of our children, community, country and world.
Satoshi Katayama
Founder of Ebetsu International School
Spring, 2011